Getting Warmed Up
It’s summertime in southwest Florida. Lately that means heat indexes of nearly 90 degrees before you’ve had your morning cup of coffee. It hasn’t been pleasant. In fact, I’d say...
Getting Warmed Up
It’s summertime in southwest Florida. Lately that means heat indexes of nearly 90 degrees before you’ve had your morning cup of coffee. It hasn’t been pleasant. In fact, I’d say...
Sober October
Drinking is a bit of a past time in south Florida. The answer to most questions is “how about a cocktail?”. I’m pretty sure I spent my first three weeks...
Sober October
Drinking is a bit of a past time in south Florida. The answer to most questions is “how about a cocktail?”. I’m pretty sure I spent my first three weeks...
Unenforceable Laws
Unenforceable Laws I have been thinking quite a lot about how to best educate cyclists. I see so many people riding in ways that I think is dangerous. Mostly to...
Unenforceable Laws
Unenforceable Laws I have been thinking quite a lot about how to best educate cyclists. I see so many people riding in ways that I think is dangerous. Mostly to...
Our Broken Car Culture
The US is a car culture. I get it. As much as I talk about bikes I know that driving, and owning a car is a necessity for most of...
Our Broken Car Culture
The US is a car culture. I get it. As much as I talk about bikes I know that driving, and owning a car is a necessity for most of...
What is a Cyclist?
I’ve see all manner of bike riders over the years, and I started thinking about the word “cyclist”. How did we get to the point where some people fit the...
What is a Cyclist?
I’ve see all manner of bike riders over the years, and I started thinking about the word “cyclist”. How did we get to the point where some people fit the...
Like Sand Through an Hourglass
Next week marks the one year anniversary of my arrival in south Florida. It doesn’t seem possible really. Most of the time it feels like I went on vacation, and...
Like Sand Through an Hourglass
Next week marks the one year anniversary of my arrival in south Florida. It doesn’t seem possible really. Most of the time it feels like I went on vacation, and...