Getting Warmed Up

It’s summertime in southwest Florida. Lately that means heat indexes of nearly 90 degrees before you’ve had your morning cup of coffee. It hasn’t been pleasant. In fact, I’d say it’s downright gross. That’s what you get when you move into a swamp I guess.

If anyone had any doubts about the state the bike business is in - it feels like I’ve been talking about that for a very long time now - you only need look at the discounts being currently offered. 20% discounts on complete bikes……in June and July?! I don’t know that I’ve ever seen that during what should be peak selling season. It’s concerning.

The Crossing:

I took the opportunity to drive over (and up) to Lake Worth a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to be there for the finish of The Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis ( ). This is an 80 mile paddle from Bimini to Lake Worth. You paddle through the night, and across the gulf stream in the Atlantic ocean. There is something about this that both intrigues, and terrifies me. Yes you have a support boat, and yes you will likely be surrounded by other paddlers and their crew. But the ocean is so big, so vast and in the middle of the night so……..

I needed to get back to the west coast, so didn’t stick around for much of festivities. I hope to spend more time at the event next year.

What I’ve been watching:

Red Bull Soapbox Derby videos. Any of them. All of them. It’s madness. Absolute madness.

What I’ve Been Playing With:

Indian Clubs - People have used clubs for strength and conditioning for hundreds of years. They’re great for warming up your shoulders, and I’ve found they also improve grip strength. These light weight clubs do a wonderful job of keeping your shoulders loose. I’m just starting to experiment with them, but I can already tell the benefits are real. Please note: I am not a doctor, trainer or physical therapist. Clearly. Always talk to a medical professional before starting any new exercise regime.

What I’m Reading:

Burner (Gray Man book 12). I’m well aware that this is puff, but it’s super fun reading if you like cloak and dagger/shoot ‘em up spy novels. I’ve blown though 11 of the 12 books in the last 6 mos. An unheard of volume of reading for someone like me.

Also What I’m Watching:

Warrior on HBO. San Francisco in the 1800s. Chinese, Irish and the “elites” that think they’ve got it all figured out. Feels to me like a Kung Fu “Deadwood” (including the language and……adult situations), but I’m here for it.



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